Caldecott Medal First Edition Identification
Use the links in the blog navigation pane to find first edition identification points for Caldecott Medal books, grouped by year.
On our website is an index page to each of the first edition identification points on this blog:
First Edition Identification Points
The index page is more convenient to use then navigating through the listings on the blog, especially as we post identification points for more books. The index page will lag the blog posts by a day or two, however I will try to keep it fairly up-to-date.
[Note: In many cases, if you are viewing the post from the blog home page or an index folder, you should click on the “Permalink’ at the end of the post to see the full width of the photographs. The photographs are often truncated on the blog home page or category folder due to width issues. We use a maximum photo width of 1200 pixels on some of the side-by-side comparison shots. On most monitors, the full width of the photo can only be seen if you view the individual item’s Permalink posting.]
Caldecott Medal Book Values
If you are interested in the estimated market value of Caldecott Medal books, then click Caldecott Medal Book Values
The illustrator’s name is a link to an eBay search for that illustrator.
Instead of searching for “first edition’ or something of the sort, I have found better results by searching for “dust jackets’. I’ll ask the seller additional questions if the auction description provides insufficient information to identify the item as a first edition.